Category: PHP

Ternary Operator PHP 0

The Ternary Operator in PHP

If you have a small if/else statement, it could possibly be turned into a ternary operator. What is a ternary operator The ternary operator is a comparison operator and can be looked at as...

Composer 0

Autoloading PHP Files with Composer (psr-4)

If you’re not sure what composer is, it’s a dependency manager for PHP. It’s very similar to NPM. Composer is a nice way to install PHP packages, manage dependencies, use it as an autoloader,...

Caching 0

Exploring Caching in Web Applications

I’ve been exploring the topic of caching in web applications lately. To be more specific, I’ve been interested on how data gets cached for better performance; especially when you’re performing really expensive queries. Maybe...

collection 2

Laravel Collections Make PHP Development Awesome

Laravel provides a lot of amazing tools out-of-the-box and collections are one of them. The collection class within Illuminate\Support is basically a wrapper that allows you to work with and manipulate arrays of data....


A (Somewhat) Framework Agnostic Approach

Just Some Thoughts This post is going to be a bit subjective based on my personal experiences. That being said, I just wanted to write down my thoughts about my personal experiences in web...